Why explosives detectors still can’t beat a dog’s nose - MIT Technology Review
How I Spent My Iranian Vacation - OZY
Beautiful Minds, Wasted - The Economist (cover)
The Ecstasy and the Agony - The Economist
The First Global Generation - Huffington Post
Why explosives detectors still can’t beat a dog’s nose - MIT Technology Review
Why explosives detectors still can’t beat a dog’s nose - MIT Technology Review

The oldest technology for detecting trace amounts of materials remains the best.

How I Spent My Iranian Vacation - OZY
How I Spent My Iranian Vacation - OZY

An unexpected reception.

Beautiful Minds, Wasted - The Economist (cover)
Beautiful Minds, Wasted - The Economist (cover)

How not to squander the potential of autistic people.

The Ecstasy and the Agony - The Economist
The Ecstasy and the Agony - The Economist

Americans take too many painkillers. Most other people don’t get enough.

The First Global Generation - Huffington Post
The First Global Generation - Huffington Post

A rebuttal to David Brooks, co-written with former governor and presidential candidate Howard Dean.